Ascending Grace
2 min readFeb 25, 2019


Among all the laws that rule the universe the one that most intrigued me was the Law of Duality. Years and years of study and advanced spiritual education programs helped me to understand the role that Karma play in the Law of Duality.

Karma is related to cause and effect. Karma is a program within a specific reality that ensures you experience the implications of your actions and decisions. You may have heard the expression:

You learn through Love or you learn through Pain

It’s clear to all of us which path we have selected. The painful path is the results of the ego, sense of separation, superiority, pride. The pain is a merciful God`s tool created to indicate you are in the wrong direction, in the wrong path. You are not aligned with your higher self and not aligned to the essence of All That Is.

The pain indicates you swim against the flow. You are creating resistance against the divine flow of light, love and unity.

I’ve always thought duality resulted from Karma. I thought Duality was just a byproduct of the Karma Law and not exactly a law in its own.

What I’ve accessed through the Universal Grid of All That Is, also called Akasha, was mind blowing. The contrast between opposing forces, opposing energies seems to create a spark, the duality spark. The “empty” space that connects the white part of the YIN with the black part of YANG it’s not empty the all. It’s the spark of life. It`s what the Chinese called “CHI” and the Indians “PRANA”. It’s pure light.

The light the sustains the whole universe, all that there is and there will be. The Duality Law is what provides energy (“light”) to sustain the whole cosmos. It’s a disturbing thought, isn’t ?

The fact that pain and shadows are needed so there could be light.

What really matters now is that the time of atonement on Earth is over. Earth is demanding your love now. Earth is asking us all to release our past, our pain and our ego to let space for light. Clear your Grudges, your pending issues, forgive yourself, and forgive others so that space can be filled with the most pure expression of your higher self.

Be free!


Ascending Grace
Ascending Grace

Written by Ascending Grace

Yogi, Healer, Channeler — Philosophy and Spirituality

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